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Pamela Kuntz
About Me
Pamela Kuntz is a stay home mom and freelance artist. She does a variety of work including digital painting, webcomics, cosplay, mural painting, and traditional art. She studied Computer animation at CNM, and has a degree in Computer Science. When she isn't doing art, Pam enjoys reading, watching sci-fi or fantasy movies, playing computer games, and baking banana muffins with her kids.
TyrandeTyrande Whisperwind from the World of Warcraft | WidowmakerWidowmaker from Overwatch | Fight of CrowsSylvannas vs Diablo in Heroes of the Storm |
Dreamwalker DruidBalance Druid from World of Warcraft | BubbletimeA warlock pampered by her devoted minions | Dr WhoThe Doctor with his companion Amy Pond |
Girls in RedModern Red Riding Hood | Jon Snow and GhostJon Snow of Game of Thrones | Wazzap Rinwebcomic |
Barragewebcomic | Xhul Raidwebcomic | Problems with Portalswebcomic |
Comic Dairy 1webcomic | Comic Dairy 2webcomic | Comic Dairy 3webcomic |
Comic Dairy 4webcomic | Vincent PricePointillism with pen | Witch Flight |
Werewolf | Swamp Monster | Spider Queen |
Nefertiti Mummy | artvsartistI made this for the #artvsartist campaign in 2016. Does my artwork reflect how I actually look? |
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